Only God is to be worshipped. This was proclaimed by all the Prophets and Messengers of Islam who were Sent by God throughout the ages and is the core belief of Islam. God Tells us that the purpose of the creation of mankind is to worship Him alone. The purpose of Islam is to call people away from the worship of creation and to direct them toward the worship of the Creator only. This is where Islam differs from other religions. Though most religions teach that there is a Creator Who Created all that exists, they are rarely free of some form of polytheism (idolatry) with respect to worship. These religions either call on their adherents to worship other beings besides God as gods (though usually placing these other gods on a lower level than the God Who is the Creator), or they demand that their adherents call on other beings as intercessors between them and God. All the Prophets and Messengers of God, from Adam to Muhammad (Peace be upon them all), called people to worship God alone with neither partner nor intermediary. This is the purest, simplest, most natural faith. Islam rejects and refutes the notion held by cultural anthropologists that the early religion of human beings was polytheism, which gradually evolved into monotheism. In fact, the truth is just the opposite – human cultures descended into idolatry during the gaps between the many Messengers of God. Subsequent Messengers were Commissioned by God to bring people BACK to monotheism. The authentic, natural religion of humanity is to worship God alone. Satan, on the other hand, does his utmost to get people to turn away from monotheism, inviting man to the worship of other beings. Most of mankind seem to have a tendency to focus their devotion on something they can visualize, something imaginable, even though they have an instinctive knowledge that the Creator of the universe is far greater than their imaginations. Throughout human history, God Sent Prophets and Messengers to call the people back to the worship of the One True God, and repeatedly, people deviated to the worship of created beings (idolatry and polytheism). God Created human beings to worship Him alone. The greatest possible sin is to worship any other than God, even if the worshipper intends to get nearer to God by offering devotions to another being. God does not need intercessors or intermediaries. He Hears all of our prayers and Has Complete Knowledge of everything that happens. At the same time, God does not need our worship, but He Says that it is pleasing to Him. He is completely Independent of all things. All creation is dependent upon Him. If every person in the world were to come together to worship only God, it would not benefit God in the least. It would not add an atom’s weight to His Dominion. Conversely, if all creation abandoned the worship of God, it would not decrease His Dominion in the least. By worshipping God, we benefit our own souls and fulfill the noble purpose for which we were Created. God Has no needs; He is The Eternal, The Absolute. Worship is not just traditional religious ceremonies and practices. The concept of worship is inclusive. Changing a diaper or a tire or picking up a piece of glass from the sidewalk all can be forms of worship if they are done to please God. If any sort of gain—wealth, job, power, recognition—becomes more important than pleasing God, even that is a form of polytheism.